SCORESHEET BASEBALL: Thoughts on the upcoming 2020 season

June 28th, 2020

Hello Again: As MLB gets ready to begin spring training 2.0 this week, we do want to keep everyone updated on Scoresheet's plans for the season.

First, I hope everyone got the update we sent out on June 24th. If not, that is posted to the Scoresheet web site at: June 24th update

One thing I forgot to mention in that update is that we do intend to be flexible regarding some of our proposals, and may adjust things based on both feedback from team owners (you) and also developments that may occur during spring training. For instance, the Scoresheet playoff setup for 2020 is definitely *not* yet set in stone. Ideally we would like to have definite playoff rules set as soon as possible. BUT, I just do not think that a good decision can be made as to what date the playoff lineup deadline should be, what weeks to base player's playing time in the Scoresheet playoffs on, and how much to weight the last couple/few week's stats player stats, until we know more about how the MLB season will unfold. So for now I think we need to not have 100% definite playoff rules, and instead we will continue to take input, and wait a couple/few weeks to see how playing time is going. Once again, in this most abnormal of years, I think flexibility will be needed.

Also, we did talk about doubling player stats each week (letting players play twice as much in Scoresheet each week as they do in the majors) to enable us to play approximately 120 games instead of the 60 games MLB is proposing. Our main reasoning is that the more baseball the better, and judging from comments we have received so far (running almost three to one in favor of that doubling) I think most of you agree. And along with getting to see more baseball by playing 120 games, the extra games will also enable the luck of such things as one-run game results to balance out. Programmer Dave (who knows the program far better then anyone) does feel strongly that playing 120 games based on 60 is the way to go. But we are certainly happy to get feedback from folks. If you want to send us an e-mail letting us know if you prefer (or dislike) a doubling of player stats each week so that we can play roughly 120 games, we would appreciate it.

Play Ball! - Jeff Barton

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