Open team in NL Field Of Dreams

Steve Clarke
January 17, 2011 01:13AM
We have a last minute vacancy in my league, NL Field Of Dreams. If any of you have thought about taking a new team, now is the time. The team is a promising one with an 84 and 78 record and includes such players as Cain, Hanson, Gallardo, Santana, Dunn, Phillips, Kemp and several other good players plus prospects.It also has all its picks. The league is active with lots of trading and is also well established being founded in 1990. If you'd like to take a look, it is Team 1 at the following URL. []

Normal 13 keeper rules and rookies rules apply and we do a live 1 day draft on Feb. 20th which you can also take part in online if you cant make it in person. We also do our supplemental drafts via the web based draft system monthly. Please contact me ASAP if interested in the team, thank you, Steve Clarke Email me at
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» Open team in NL Field Of Dreams

Steve Clarke 4006 January 17, 2011 01:13AM


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