BL Miller Park is an established 10 year league and will begin our 11th year in 2011 . We are a 20 team league and we can protect up to 10 players from year to year. We also protect 4 rookies from year to year but can protect more rookies if you trade for more protection slots. After you view the league you will also notice how active the league is in trading.
We are planning a dispersal draft in December from the nine teams that are not returning. There will be plenty of talent to build your team. To view the league go to [] BL_Miller_Park.htm The nine teams not returning are teams 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 20. The pool of these nine rosters will be available for the dispersal draft in December.
If you would like to join our league or if have any further questions please contact me @