Re: NL Mad Chatters 2 Openings draft on 2/27/12

Mark Frantz
February 21, 2012 02:45AM

I would be interested in the #9 team. I am new to scoresheet. Picked up an NL-508 team right before the MLB season started last year. I am also currently drafting a BL-Ricky Vaughn 22 team league. Love baseball and am a NL fan(Reds to be exact). Looks like a team I could work with. Let me know.

Mark Frantz
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Subject Author Views Posted

NL Mad Chatters 2 Openings draft on 2/27/12

Mark Dailey 2797 February 18, 2012 07:54PM

» Re: NL Mad Chatters 2 Openings draft on 2/27/12

Mark Frantz 1888 February 21, 2012 02:45AM

Re: NL Mad Chatters 2 Openings draft on 2/27/12

Mark Dailey 1906 February 21, 2012 03:32PM

Re: NL Mad Chatters 1 Opening Left draft on 2/27/12

Mark Dailey 1762 February 21, 2012 05:12PM

Re: NL Mad Chatters both openings have been filled

Mark Dailey 1890 February 22, 2012 03:33AM


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