Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek
November 28, 2011 04:22PM
Teams 15 and 18 have been picked up and the only team available is Team 14.

Team 14 has the 5th pick overall and heres a look at there key players.

Team 14 - Trevor Cahill, Gio Gonzalez, Colby Lewis, Phillip Humber, Carlos Ruiz, James Loney, Martin Prado, Howie Kendrick, Placido Polanco, Elvis Andrus, Melky Cabrera, Corey Hart, Peter Bourjos, Nyjer Morgan.

If you would like this team, please send me an E-Mail at and join up with us, very active league and a really competitive league, everyone loves to talk trade and its a great environment. Hope you will join us!

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Subject Author Views Posted

BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 3440 November 23, 2011 12:27AM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2206 November 23, 2011 12:34AM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2171 November 23, 2011 07:09PM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2166 November 23, 2011 07:52PM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Mike Magie 2084 November 25, 2011 04:26AM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2167 November 25, 2011 05:52AM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2097 November 25, 2011 05:54AM

» Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2403 November 28, 2011 04:22PM

Re: BL Kung Fu Panda's 4 Teams Available

Eric Vanek 2087 November 28, 2011 07:42PM


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