BL Summer - New Continuing League

Rick T
October 31, 2011 11:00PM
I'm looking to start a new BL Summer league drafting from scratch. I'm looking for at least 20 teams, but prefer 24. Just normal SS rules is what I would propose. However, if the majority wanted to change minor rules like increase the pre-season draft to 40 or change the ML rule or changing divisions each year to group teams in divisions based on standings, I would be open to that.

if anyone is interested, please email me at
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Subject Author Views Posted

» BL Summer - New Continuing League

Rick T 2679 October 31, 2011 11:00PM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Rick 1762 November 28, 2011 01:51AM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Terry L 1707 December 16, 2011 04:24PM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

John Meehan Jr. 1679 December 21, 2011 01:09PM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Rick T 1614 December 21, 2011 05:07PM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Rick T 1622 January 20, 2012 12:53PM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Bill Mossor 1641 January 24, 2012 06:43PM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Mike Allen 1577 January 26, 2012 03:10AM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

bruce thompson 1532 January 25, 2012 03:10AM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Jason 1557 January 25, 2012 07:55AM

Re: BL Summer - New Continuing League

Bill Mossor 1614 January 26, 2012 11:43PM



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