Re: Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

February 23, 2019 02:33PM
Checking in to see if the team is still available

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Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

Tony Haggerty 1806 February 11, 2019 04:40AM

Re: Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

waldo 1237 February 11, 2019 03:10PM

Re: Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

Tony Haggerty 1182 February 14, 2019 06:24AM

Re: Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

tony Haggerty 1155 February 18, 2019 10:50PM

» Re: Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

Randy 1097 February 23, 2019 02:33PM

Re: Active League!!! Al league with an extra crossover! Want Goldschmidt?, DeGrom? Machado>? Judge?

Lew 1274 February 11, 2019 05:47PM


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