Seeking New Owner in Continuing NL League

February 17, 2011 04:06PM
NL Spahn has been in effect since 1998. The league adheres to all the standard Scoresheet rules and conducts its drafts through the website. Team #9 is currently available and has all of it's keeper spots and 2011 draft picks in tact. The 2010 roster needs to be pared down in anticipation of the 2011 pre-season draft which will be scheduled once a new owner takes over.

Team #9 had a .519 winning percentage last year. Key players include Adrian Gonzalez, R. Weeks, M. Reynolds, R. Furcal, J. Bay, C. Hart, and N. Walker. Key pitchers include C. Kershaw, J. Cueto, R. Wells, J. Sanchez, E. Volquez, and C. Marmol. Key rookies include J. Parker, Y. Grandal, M. Dominguez, R. Havens, and G. Brown.

We are looking for an active owner and would prefer one who has Scoresheet experience.

Please contact Arnie at Thanks.
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Subject Author Views Posted

looking for continuing league

jr 3840 February 17, 2011 04:03AM

Re: looking for continuing league

Alex 2552 February 17, 2011 05:51AM

NL Keeper League. New draft not inheriting old team.

Dave 2590 February 23, 2011 02:47AM

Re: NL Keeper League. New draft not inheriting old team.

Troy 2593 February 23, 2011 10:08PM

Re: NL Keeper League. New draft not inheriting old team.

bill 2569 February 28, 2011 11:04PM

Re: NL Keeper League. New draft not inheriting old team.

Alex 2529 March 01, 2011 11:59AM

Re: NL Keeper League. New draft not inheriting old team.

ramsey 2626 March 02, 2011 05:13AM

» Seeking New Owner in Continuing NL League

Arnie 2720 February 17, 2011 04:06PM

Re: looking for continuing league

Arnie 2527 February 17, 2011 08:47PM

Re: looking for continuing league

Doug 2460 March 01, 2011 02:25PM

Re: looking for continuing league

dale 2585 February 20, 2011 04:53AM

Re: looking for continuing league

Ernie 2360 June 03, 2011 06:03PM

Re: looking for continuing league

Brian 2558 June 08, 2011 04:34AM



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