January 08, 2018 03:51PM
In these private leagues we have some special rules. Here is a quick rundown of them.

13 keepers
max of 2 crossovers
4 free rookie keeepers (these area tradeable)
1 free rookie/sophmore keeper (300 AB max or 100IP max) (This is tradeable)
3 optional rookie keepers that cost late picks juts like scoresheet.
Our division change each year based on record
team 8 is open in AL Kaline

miked48093 at gmail
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Subject Author Views Posted

One open team in 20+ year private league with special rules

mike 2220 October 26, 2017 06:44PM

Re: One open team in 20+ year private league with special rules

mike 1647 October 30, 2017 08:18PM

Re: One open team in 20+ year private league with special rules

mike 1270 November 21, 2017 05:05PM

Re: One open team in 20+ year private league with special rules

mike 1328 December 04, 2017 06:48PM

Re: One open team in 20+ year private league with special rules

mike 1376 December 22, 2017 12:15AM

» Re: One open team in 20+ year private league with special rules

mike 1346 January 08, 2018 03:51PM


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