Want a better way to play Scoresheet Baseball ?

dale rech
January 10, 2011 09:01PM
Tired of only being able to draft orphan teams that protect 13 players, keep crossovers and virtually have no chance to win for at least five years? Join Al Sluggers, going into our 22nd year. We've developed an advanced drafting/protection format that is just short of perfect. Our winner this last season finished last the year before. We have a "live" phone draft, taking 2 hours. Check out Al Sluggers.

We have three openings do to changing financial situations and family issues. Drop me an e-mail and I'll send along the league rules and the teams that are available. First come, you get your pick of the teams. If you prefer to call, I'm in Orlando 407-312-0876. Dale
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Subject Author Views Posted

» Want a better way to play Scoresheet Baseball ?

dale rech 4394 January 10, 2011 09:01PM

Re: Want a better way to play Scoresheet Baseball ?

barry 2827 January 11, 2011 12:42AM

Re: Want a better way to play Scoresheet Baseball ?

Rick Rubrigi 2875 January 12, 2011 09:25PM


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