Solid team, Solid league (longstanding nl)

ron jirovec
January 07, 2011 09:58PM
Orphan team #11 is led by superstar Albert Pujols. Other notable players on its roster include
starting pitchers C Carpenter, B Myers, H Kuroda, T Stauffer, &J Blanton, 3B D Wright & S
Rolen, x-over SS JJ Hardy and OFs S Victorino, C Ross & R Ludwick. Team #11 made the
playoffs last season with a 87-75 record and has all of its keeper slots and a full complement
of draft picks. The entire roster of Team #11 can be viewed at our scoresheet website:


In National League Internet (NLI), owners keep their teams for multiple years, manage them
year-round, like to talk trades, and get along well with opposing owners. We follow nearly
standard scoresheet rules (13 keepers, 2 AL x-overs) and conduct a preseason web draft
(Feb 14) within a highly competitive but fun atmosphere. Current owners include Bob Barton,
Rob Davis, Bill Dye, Russ Gillam, Bret Hildebran, Ron Jirovec, Jim O'Donnell, Brett Reed,
Joe Sherman, Tim Sidlow, & Scott Tecza.

If interested, please contact me for more information, thanks

Ron (
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Subject Author Views Posted

» Solid team, Solid league (longstanding nl)

ron jirovec 4291 January 07, 2011 09:58PM

Re: Solid team, Solid league - Vacancy filled

ron jirovec 2764 January 10, 2011 04:15PM


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