Richard Fish
January 07, 2011 01:07AM
I would like to take over Team 3, if it is still available. I was in BL Star for the last 3 years, but it was only a 14 team BL. Way too few teams! I have four other Scoresheet teams for the coming season, all PNL's, and I've played Scoresheet since 2001. Looking forward to your reply.
Richard Fish
1911 3rd Ave. N
Great Falls, MT 59401
» Reply » Quote
Subject Author Views Posted

BL-Mattingly - 2 teams available in 24 team continuous combined league

Ryan Byrne 3551 January 06, 2011 10:37PM

» Re: BL-Mattingly - 2 teams available in 24 team continuous combined league

Richard Fish 2493 January 07, 2011 01:07AM

league full

Ryan 2378 January 27, 2011 04:08AM


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