New NL League

December 24, 2013 09:30PM
I'm wanting to start a new NL league with some twists to the scoresheet rules. Please read rules in this message. If you are interested in joining please send me an email. My email address is:

Happy Holiday's, Joe

Subject: League Rules

NL Americas Past Time 2014 Season (Inaugural Season)

League Parameters:
The league will consist of ten (10) teams.
There will be two divisions. These division will be aligned by how scoresheet sets draft list in inaugural season. After first year divisions will be set up on previous year records (1,3,5,7 & 9 in one division and 2,4,6,8 & 10 in the other division)

You will be able to keep 10 players and 4 prospects. Prospects eligibility will be set by scoresheet rules. Keepers list after inaugural season will be turned into Commish first full week in February.

The draft will start February 22, 2014 using scoresheet web draft. Scoresheet will asked to determine each member team number in first year. Following years your team number will be determine by finishing records of previous year. Aka - best record will be team 1, second best 2 and etc

After first season draft will start with round 11 at or around March 1st.

In the inaugural season you will be able to draft one (1) AL player during the draft in any rounds during the draft. If AL player is not drafted in rounds 1-35 you will forfeit your ability to draft an AL player. If you draft more than one (1) AL player you will loose that pick until the end of the draft and player. But at the end of round 35 you will be able to make an additional pick for loosing your second AL player drafted.

A 162 game schedule will be generated by Scoresheet.

If any trade in the league is in question you can appeal to commish for a league wide vote. Commish can refuse request or take a vote, that will be done in a timely fashion decided by commish. The commish will only vote to break ties otherwise league vote will dictate trade going thru or not.

AL spots can be traded between teams. To report a AL spot trade, if you are trading away the AL spot you will report a round 1, if you are receiving a AL spot you will report a round 13. If you have already traded your 13 report a round 12 and etc.
Commish will also log AL spots traded away.

Prospect spots can be traded between teams. Commish will track traded prospect spots as they will not be sent into scoresheet.

Supplemental Drafts:
Will follow scoresheet drafts lists.

The 2 division winner and best two (2)records of non division winner will make the playoffs.
Playoff lineup date will be set by scoresheet.

All other rules will be following by scoresheet rules.

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Subject Author Views Posted

» New NL League

Joe 2428 December 24, 2013 09:30PM

Re: New NL League

JD 1493 January 01, 2014 08:43PM

Re: New NL League

Joe 1486 January 04, 2014 03:11AM

Re: New NL League

Joe 1544 January 08, 2014 02:28AM

Re: New NL League

Joe 1424 January 11, 2014 12:29PM

Re: New NL League

Joe 1475 January 13, 2014 09:27PM



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