Is it to late to start a BL league

March 09, 2023 09:49PM
Thinking of a new league. At least 16 teams. 20 max. 30 player keeper. Prospects count. Anyone want to start one?
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Subject Author Views Posted

» Is it to late to start a BL league

Bill 1088 March 09, 2023 09:49PM

Re: Is it to late to start a BL league

Bill 810 March 09, 2023 10:03PM

Re: Is it to late to start a BL league

Bill 812 March 12, 2023 10:39PM

Re: Is it to late to start a BL league

Dave 441 February 21, 2024 07:07AM

Re: Is it to late to start a BL league

Robert Francis 299 February 28, 2024 06:23PM

Re: Is it to late to start a BL league

Dave 261 March 06, 2024 02:33AM


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