You fill our orphans and we will fill yours! 1/2 price! for $39 per team

Tony Haggerty
February 11, 2020 01:12AM
AL Teams that want to fill up 3 teams (might settle for 2) That have 3 owners ready to fill our Orphans in AL Phil Plantier contact me. Between the leagues that contact me We will pick one I already approved from Jeff $39 per team...Our teams are loaded we draft 40 not 35 and is a private league but has very few differences.for fastest response text me 702-542-9469.
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» You fill our orphans and we will fill yours! 1/2 price! for $39 per team

Tony Haggerty 1569 February 11, 2020 01:12AM

Offer accepted/Teams filled

Tony Haggerty 1009 February 12, 2020 07:23PM


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