Available team....

Bob Ellis
December 23, 2019 03:39PM
NL Sandlot 143 has an available team...Team 10. Looking to fill sooner rather than later so the new owner can dig in and start making moves, etc.

This league's been around a long time...I think I joined in 2003 or 2004 and the league pre-dates my joining. One of the most active fantasy leagues I've played in, and a good group of guys always willing to talk trades or just talk baseball in general.

Link to the league: [www.scoresheet.com]

If you're interested or have questions - shoot me an email at bobellis75@yahoo.com

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» Available team....

Bob Ellis 1830 December 23, 2019 03:39PM

Re: Available team....

Bob Ellis 1082 January 22, 2020 03:38PM


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