NL JABO Has 2 Openings

Jon Kauffmann-Kennel
October 25, 2013 07:14PM
NL JABO (Just a Bit Outside) has two teams available. JABO utilizes the online draft and follows most standard Scoresheet rules. There are 12 teams, with 13 keepers, three prospect slots (rounds 33-35) and one crossover allowed. Protected slots, prospect slots and crossover slots can be traded.

The league began in 1999; six of the 10 current members have been in the league 13 years or more. Members live from Cal. to DC and Ontario to Florida.

Available: Team 4 (Hamels, M-Cab, Hanley, extra picks) and Team 10 (91 wins, Wainwright, Medlen, Fielder, Tulo, good prospects).

If you're interested or want more info, e-mail me at

League site is []
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Subject Author Views Posted

» NL JABO Has 2 Openings

Jon Kauffmann-Kennel 2555 October 25, 2013 07:14PM

Re: NL JABO Has 2 Openings

Jon Kauffmann-Kennel 1402 January 09, 2014 09:56PM

NL JABO Openings Filled

Jon Kauffmann-Kennel 1398 January 13, 2014 03:59AM


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